Intuitive Physics

Adventures in Flatland: Perceiving Social Interactions Under Physical Dynamics

People make fast, spontaneous, and consistent judgements of social situations, even in complex physical contexts with multiple-body dynamics (e.g. pushing, lifting, carrying, etc.). What mental computations make such judgments possible? Do people …

The fine structure of surprise in intuitive physics: when, why, and how much?

We are surprised when events violate our intuitive physical expectations. Even infants look longer when things seem to magically teleport or vanish. This important surprise signal has been used to probe what infants expect, in order to study the most …

Draping an Elephant: Uncovering Children's Reasoning About Cloth-Covered Objects

Humans have an intuitive understanding of physics. They can predict how a physical scene will unfold, and reason about how it came to be. Adults may rely on such a physical representation for visual reasoning and recognition, going beyond visual …

Learning physical parameters from dynamic scenes

Humans acquire their most basic physical concepts early in development, and continue to enrich and expand their intuitive physics throughout life as they are exposed to more and varied dynamical environments. We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian …

Learning physics from dynamical scenes

Humans acquire their most basic physical concepts early in development, but continue to enrich and expand their intuitive physics throughout life as they are exposed to more and varied dynamical environments. We introduce a hierarchical Bayesian …